Fire Officer I JPR skills packet
The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control has established 15 Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) based upon NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, 2009 edition, divided among the following 6 categories:
Administration (JPRs #8-10)
4.4 This duty involves general administrative functions and the implementation of departmental policies and procedures at the unit level, according to the following job performance requirements.
— DFPC Fire Officer I JPR Sheet #8 - pdf file —
Assignment Sheet 9-2,
Given a Scenario, Recommend Changes to an Existing Policy or Implement a New Department Policy - pdf file
4.4.1 Recommend changes to existing departmental policies and/or implement a new departmental policy at the unit level, given a new departmental policy, so that the policy is communicated to and understood by unit members.
(a) Requisite Knowledge: Written and oral communication.
(b) Requisite Skills: The ability to relate interpersonally.
4.4.2 Execute routine unit-level administrative functions, given forms and record-management systems, so that the reports and logs are complete and files are maintained in accordance with policies and procedures.
(a) Requisite Knowledge: Administrative policies and procedures and records management.
(b) Requisite Skills: The ability to communicate orally and in writing.
The following documents should be enclosed with JPR #8:
- A detailed narrative outlining the method used by the candidate to accomplish the task(s) utilizing
the task steps.
- Current SOP/SOG on initiating changes to other SOP/SOG (if applicable)
- Must have copy of new SOP/SOG
- Meeting schedule and/or roster (if applicable)
- Meeting outline (if applicable)
— DFPC Fire Officer I JPR Sheet #9 - pdf file —
Assignment Sheet 9-3,
Prepare a Budget Request for a Specific Fire Service Need - pdf file
4.4.3 Prepare a budget request, given a need and budget forms, so that the request is in the proper format and is supported with data.
(a) Requisite Knowledge: Policies and procedures and the revenue sources and budget process.
(b) Requisite Skill: The ability to communicate in writing.
The following documents should be enclosed with JPR #9:
- A detailed narrative outlining the method used by the candidate to accomplish the task(s) utilizing
the task steps.
- Standard Operating Procedures/ Standard Operating Guide (SOP/SOG) or statement regarding lack of a department policy. If no department policy exists, please state resources utilized.
- Written communications
— DFPC Fire Officer I JPR Sheet #10 - pdf file —
Assignment Sheet (none)
4.4.4 Explain the purpose of each management component of the organization, given an organization chart, so that the explanation is current and accurate and clearly identifies the purpose and mission of the organization.
The following documents should be enclosed with JPR #10:
- Copy of current organization chart
- Copy of current duties and responsibilities
- Copy of revised organization chart or newly developed organization chart
- Copy of revised duties and responsibilities or newly duties and responsibilities