Frequently Asked Questions...
Frequently Asked Questions
“Where is Colorado Firecamp located?”
We are located 12 miles west of Salida, 1/2 mile north of U.S. Highway 50 on County Road 240.
“I took the online S-130/190 class, but can't get a field exercise. Can I just show up for field day at Firecamp?”
No. While distance education might work well in some subject areas, we don't support the idea of virtual firefighter training. The real difficulty for our instructors is how to work someone into the team environment of a field exercise who may have just power clicked their way through the online lessons.
“What is the age requirement for the training?”
We accept student as young as 17 years old for our training. Generally, the federal agencies require personnel assigned to firefighting or other hazardous duties to be 18 years old when they first report to duty. Because the hiring process can stretch out over 4 or 5 months, if we made students wait until their 18th birthday, they might miss an entire fire season.