Canyon Fire
6 Minutes for Safety — 2009
Fire Behavior Report, 1998
Fire Environment
- July 2 to
Evening of July 5
- July
5, 2230 to July 6, 1530
- July 6, 1530
to 1600
- July 6, 1600
to 1603
- July
6, 1603 to 1609
- July 6, 1609
to 1610
- July 6, 1610
to 1611
- July 6, 1611
to 1614
- July 6, 1614
to 1623
- July
6, 1622 to 1830
- July
6, 1830 to July 11
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Behavior Associated with the 1994 South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain,

United States
of Agriculture
Forest Service
Rocky Mountain
Research Station
Research Paper
September 1998 |
Bret W. Butler
Roberta A. Bartlette
Larry S. Bradshaw
Jack D. Cohen
Patricia L. Andrews
Ted Putnam
Richard J. Mangan |

Tragically, 14 firefighters died during
the fire run on the afternoon of July 6, 1994, on the South
Canyon Fire. We dedicate this study to their memory with the
hope that by learning from their sacrifice, future firefighter
lives will be saved.
Kathi Beck
Tami Bickett
Scott Blecha
Levi Brinkley
Robert Browning
Doug Dunbar
Terri Hagen
Bonnie Holtby
Rob Johnson
Jon Kelso
Don Mackey
Roger Roth
James Thrash
Richard Tyler |
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