
Forest Service Handbook
mountain region (region 2)
denver, co |
fsH 6709.11 - health and safety code handbook
chapteR 20 - work projects and activities
Supplement No.: 6709.11-2005-1
Effective Date: February
23, 2005
Duration: This
supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: rick
d. cables
Regional Forester |
Approved: 02/09/2005 |
Posting Instructions: Supplements
are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year.
Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this
supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s)
of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was
6709.11-2004-1 to chapter 20.
New Document(s): |
6709.11_20 |
10 Pages |
Superseded Document(s)
Issuance Number and Effective Date |
6709.11_20 (6709.11-2004-1,
4/1/2004) |
Pages |
22.48b - Revises Regional policy on crosscut and chainsaw
program management for the Rocky Mountain Region. Further
defines qualification standards for personnel involved in certification
and recertification of sawyers.
22.48h - Establishes requirement for two-person saw use.
22.48b - Qualifications
3. Regional Crosscut and Chain Saw Program Coordinator
must meet qualifications set forth in parent text and this supplement
to manage the Regional Program for Crosscut and Chain Saw Training
and Certification. As a minimum, the Program Manager shall:
d. Coordinate and manage the regional training, certification,
and recertification process.
e. Manage sawyer training, certification, and recertification
f. Keep abreast of changing crosscut and chainsaw thought
and methodology and determine its value and application to the
Regional saw program.
g. Assist the Regional Safety Manager as the technical
lead in saw accident investigation resulting in death or serious
h. Evaluate Forest Crosscut and Chain Saw Program Coordinators
and "C" Certifiers to ensure they possess and maintain the competencies
required to meet the duties and responsibilities outlined in
this policy.
i. Provide tactical program management, guidance, and
oversight and assist the Forest Crosscut and Chain Saw Program
Managers in implementing the program.
j. Coordinate with the Regional Safety Manager to ensure
program compliance and consistency Region-wide.
k. In conjunction with the appropriate Forest Saw Program
Coordinators and "C" Certifiers, co-conduct the initial training
and certification of all "C" Certifier candidates in the Region
and retain final approval of their certifications, including
the endorsement of Field Evaluation Forms and wallet cards.
l. In conjunction with the appropriate Forest Saw Program
Coordinators and "C" Certifiers, co-endorse field recertification
of "C" Certifier, and endorse wallet cards of all successful
m. Maintain records of Forest Saw Program Coordinators
and "C" Certifiers.
n. Conduct or provide for the conducting of "train the
trainer" work sessions for new "C" Sawyers to facilitate their
learning of the training process for classroom and field certification
of new and re-certifying sawyers.
o. Conduct annual meetings of Forest Saw Program Coordinators
and "C" Certifiers. Forest Saw Coordinators and other
"C" Certifiers should meet annually with the Regional Safety
Manager and Regional Saw Coordinator to review the program and
give their suggestions for improving it, in order to ensure
effective and consistent program delivery Region-wide.
p. When a "C" Certifier is not available, a professional
sawyer may be contracted to substitute for a Forest Service
instructor. The Regional Saw Coordinator, in coordination
with the Regional Safety manager, will approve the selection
of all professional sawyers used in the Region.
q. Identify and approve sources for professional sawyer
instructor expertise in felling, bucking, limbing, and other
chain saw and/or crosscut operations. Use the following
guidelines when selecting a professional sawyer. Candidates
(1) Submit a written statement addressing items (2)
through (4) below and present references from other Regions/Forests,
peers, industry, Incident Management Teams, and other recognized
agencies that endorse the person as an expert sawyer or professional.
(2) Have a minimum 2 years of professional sawyer instruction
experience, 10 years as a professional sawyer.
(3) Demonstrate the ability to effectively and appropriately
work and communicate with the Regional and Forest Saw Program
Coordinators and other Forest Service employees.
(4) Demonstrate the ability to adopt and adhere to
national and Regional saw policy direction, including adherence
to prescribed safety mitigations in the Job Hazard Analysis.
4. Forest Crosscut and Chain Saw Program Coordinators have
the responsibility to:
a. Maintain a minimum "C" sawyer certification.
The Region recommends the Forest Program Coordinator become
a "C" Certifier to best accomplish program goals and facilitate
training needs on their forest.
b. Utilize and assigning qualified instructors to help
plan, organize, and implement training and field certification
for A, B, and C sawyers.
c. Report within 24 hours all serious sawyer accidents
to the Regional Saw Coordinator and Regional Safety Manager
and annually report all sawyer incidents and accidents to the
Regional Saw Coordinator.
d. Seek out acceptable locations for the field certification
of sawyers.
e. Serve as the point of contact for unit coordinators
and instructors on the Forest.
f. Monitor the record keeping performed by unit coordinators
g. Work closely with the Forest Safety Manager to ensure
program consistency and Forest-wide compliance.
h. Meet annually with the Regional Safety manager and
Regional Saw Coordinator to review the program, provide constructive
feedback for program improvement and ensure effective and consistent
program delivery Region-wide.
i. Recommend the appointment of Unit Coordinator to the
District Ranger or unit manager for approval.
j. As a "C" Certifier, together with the Regional Saw
Program Coordinator, sign the Field Evaluation Form for initial
"C" Certifier certification. As a "C" Certifier, together
with another "C" Certifier, conduct "C" Certifier recertification.
Submit wallet cards to the Regional Coordinator for final approval/signature
(See exhibit 01).
k. Provide program leadership to ensure employees have
the essential knowledge, skills, and ability to meet the certification
requirements of this policy.
l. As a "C" Certifier, may serve jointly as instructor
with a "C" Certifier when conducting "C" sawyer training and
m. As a "C" Certifier, sign the Field Evaluation Form
and wallet cards for "C" sawyer certifications.
n. Provide management oversight to ensure that training
and certification records are maintained and complete for all
o. Serve as a technical consultant in an investigation
of any incident or accident involving sawyers, as requested.
p. Coordinate with the Forest Fire Management Officer
to ensure the program is meeting the needs of the Forest-level
fire organization and to obtain feedback as to the effectiveness
of the program.
5. District Ranger appointed Unit Coordinators have the
responsibility to:
a. Maintain certification currency as a "B" sawyer or
b. Together with the Forest Saw Coordinator, provide
for the training, instruction, and certification of sawyer candidates
and recertification of all unit sawyers.
c. Serve as the point of contact for district/unit sawyers,
District Fire Management Officer, and first line supervisors.
d. Meet annually with the Forest Saw Coordinator and
Forest Safety Manager to monitor the saw program and ensure
effective and consistent program delivery throughout the Forest.
e. Maintain training and certification records for individuals
on the unit.
f. Serve as a technical consultant in an investigation
of all safety incidents involving sawyers, as requested.
6. First-line work supervisors have the responsibility
a. Submit sawyer training and certification requests
to the Unit Coordinator, including training of volunteers, well
in advance to ensure that both training and certification and
program of work objectives may be accomplished.
b. Follow sawyer training and certification, consulting
with the certifier, reviewing field evaluation forms, and making
sure other prerequisite safety training is complete before assigning
sawyer duties.
c. Personally observe the sawyer in the field to ensure
prescribed safe work practices are being followed. Immediately
suspend and/or correct any behavior not consistent with certification
level or the job hazard analysis.
d. Promptly report all sawyer incidents and accidents
to the Forest Safety Manager, Line Officer, and Forest Crosscut
and Chain Saw Coordinator.
e. Ensure sawyers receive additional on-the-job refresher
training as needed. Discuss project specific hazards and
risks identified in the job hazard analysis and during documented
tailgate safety meetings.
7. Training and Certification. Sawyers'
skills and proficiency vary depending on the quality of training,
type of experience, effectiveness of supervision, and learned
behavior. Sawyers are required to safely work within the
scope of their approved level of certification and to follow the
direction outlined in the Job Hazard Analysis. Every sawyer
has final authority and responsibility for their safety as well
as the safety of other people potentially exposed to the hazards
of the operation. Sawyers must continually maintain the
secure cutting area and ensure that swampers, bystanders, and
others are not placed at risk.
Forest Service instructors may instruct all interested persons;
however, they may not certify individuals outside the agency.
Instead, they may recommend certification for successful
trainees to the responsible senior supervisor of the organization
to which each trainee belongs.
Rocky Mountain Region certification cards indicate the following
proficiency levels:
a. "A" Apprentice Sawyer Certification.
Prior to "A" certification, an apprentice sawyer is required
to successfully complete the S-212 or MTDC Chain Saw and Crosscut
Saw training course.
(1) In the classroom, in addition to the course of
instruction, the instructor shall discuss and review the pertinent
sections of the Health and Safety Code Handbook and this Regional
supplement, as well as a job hazard analysis.
(2) After successfully completing the classroom training,
the students are required to pass a field certification process.
Sawyers seeking felling certification must successfully fell
a minimum of two trees 8 inches diameter or less.
b. "B" Intermediate Sawyer Certification.
Prior to "B" certification, intermediate sawyers are required
to successfully complete course S-212 or the MTDC Chain Saw
and Crosscut Saw training course for "B" certification.
The course requires classroom instruction and field certification
conducted by a certified instructor. Candidates seeking to advance
from "A" to "B" certification may do so by passing the field
certification process only, provided their "A" certification
has not expired.
(1) In the classroom, in addition to the prescribed
sawyer course, instructors shall review pertinent sections
of the Health and Safety Code Handbook and this Regional supplement,
a job hazard analysis, other pertinent safety issues, and
the use of applicable safety equipment.
(2) After successfully completing the classroom training,
the students are required to pass a field certification process.
Sawyers seeking felling certification at the "B" level must
successfully fell a minimum of two trees up
to 24 inches in diameter.
c. "C" Advanced Sawyer Certification. Prior
to "C" sawyer certification, advanced sawyers must meet the
prerequisite of having "B" level skills and training. Where
a professional sawyer is used in the training and certification
of sawyers at the "C" level, the Regional Saw Program Coordinator
retains the responsibility of approving the Field Evaluation
Form and signing the wallet card of successful candidates.
(1) Classroom instruction, to be conducted by a C-Certifier or a qualified
C-Sawyer, generally consists of review of the National
and Regional saw policy, job hazard analysis, lessons learned,
local, Regional and National issues and incidents with updated
procedures, as well as teaching
techniques, certification process review, and record keeping
requirements overviews.
(2) In the field, certification shall focus on hands-on
experience in complex operations including brushing, bucking,
limbing, and felling of materials, as well as technical aspects
of the training and certifying of "A" and "B" level sawyers.
A minimum of two trees, 24 inches in diameter or greater,
must be successfully felled. This field certification
must be conducted by one or two "C" Certifiers, as delegated
by the Regional Crosscut and Chainsaw Program Coordinator.
d. "C" Certifier Certification. The Regional
Crosscut and Chain Saw Coordinator, in cooperation with the
Forest Chainsaw Coordinators, the Forest Safety Managers and
the Regional Safety Manager, will make an announcement requesting
candidates' names be submitted to attend a "C" Certifier training
and certification session. It is the Regional Saw Program
Coordinator's responsibility to evaluate and approve all applicants
after reviewing their qualifications for suitability to become
"C" Certifier-level sawyers.
Requirements for initial "C" Certifier certification include
the successful completion of a specialized felling certification
session conducted by the Regional Saw Coordinator and another
"C" Certifier. The Regional Saw Coordinator must sign
both the Field Evaluation Form and the wallet card.
Saw operators seeking "C" Certifier certification must submit
a written response to the evaluation criteria items (1) through
(6) listed below, and must have their line officer's approval
for nomination. A form will be provided for this purpose.
(1) Must currently be certified as a "C" advanced sawyer,
documented on a completed Field Evaluation Form and certified
under a program approved by the Regional and Forest Saw Program
(2) Must have demonstrated instructor training, skills,
and experience.
(3) Must have instructed or assisted in instructing
at least two complete and documented classroom training and
field certification classes within the past 3 years.
(4) Must demonstrate good interpersonal skills and
an ability to be firm, fair, and objective in evaluating operator's
behavior, strengths, and needs for improvement.
(5) Must possess good decision-making skills and an
ability to effectively evaluate, communicate, and teach others
the approved process to safely fell and buck material in complex
(6) Must demonstrate the ability to complete a Field
Evaluation Form, manage the certification records, and have
competent knowledge of the Regional crosscut and chain saw
policy and certification program.
8. Recertification and Training. Recertification
must be accomplished prior to or as soon as practicable after
expiration. In no case will a sawyer continue to perform
saw work more than 30 days past the expiration of their certification.
a. Refresher training should be designed to meet the
level of experience and the needs of sawyers being re-certified,
utilizing all or part of the S-212 and/or MTDC courses. Instructors
should place emphasis on safe operating procedures and practices.
If possible and practical, the recertification field evaluation
may be documented during the course of assigned project work.
During recertification, operators must demonstrate they can
still successfully and safely perform the proficiency requirements
of their expiring certification level. The candidate must
demonstrate a competent level of skill and experience, in the
judgment of the instructor, prior to recertification.
b. When "A" or "B" level certifications expire, the individual
is required to complete a recertification process. Minimum
recertification requirements for "A" and "B" sawyers follow:
(1) Classroom refresher shall involve applicable safety
power points or films, review of a job hazard analysis and
situational awareness.
(2) Hands-on field evaluation will require the sawyer
to demonstrate skills on material relevant to the assigned
work and skill level. A "C" sawyer instructor shall
sign the field evaluation form
and wallet card.
c. Minimum recertification requirements for "C" sawyer
are as follows:
(1) Classroom review covering saw policy as related
in the Health and Safety Code Handbook and this Regional supplement,
securing the felling area, lessons learned, job hazard analysis,
and situational awareness review.
(2) Classroom and field
recertification is conducted by a "C" Certifier, who also
retains authority to sign field evaluation forms and wallet
cards. However, the classroom instruction may be delegated
to a qualified "C" sawyer by direction of the "C" Certifier.
(3) The Regional Saw Coordinator retains the final
authority to approve the "C" sawyer recertification process.
d. Minimum recertification requirements for "C" Certifiers
are listed below:
(1) Classroom refresher topics, approved by the Regional
Saw Coordinator, shall include job hazard analysis, situational
awareness, current policy, lessons learned; securing the felling
area, human factors, and record-keeping requirements reviews.
Discussion should also include methods of effective
sawyer instruction and will serve as a forum for feedback
to the instructor.
(2) Classroom and field
recertification is conducted by two "C" Certifiers, who will
sign the Field Evaluation Form.
(3) The Regional Saw Coordinator retains the final
authority to approve the "C" Certifier recertification, approve
the Field Evaluation Form and sign the wallet card of each
successful candidate.
9. Monitoring. Monitoring is critical for the prevention
of sawyer incidents and accidents and to ensure policy compliance.
This section addresses monitoring requirements for instructors,
supervisors, and individual operators.
The Regional and Forest Safety Managers and Saw Coordinators,
Unit Coordinators, and first line supervisors share responsibility
for routinely observing sawyer operations as part of normal field
activity review and should conduct periodic targeted field visits
to ensure sawyers are adhering to the approved safe job procedures
for all sawyer activities. The evaluation procedure involves:
a. Ensuring Unit Coordinators are maintaining accurate,
up-to-date sawyer training, certification, and recertification
b. Scheduling and performing field reviews to observe
the application of prescribed safe job procedures on projects
such as, minimum 2.5 tree length secure area when felling, approved
size-up, procedural felling sequence, use of wedges, PPE, established
escape routes, and situational awareness.
c. Reviewing of supervisor and employee participation
in the job hazard analysis process.
d. Assuring supervisors are performing and documenting
tailgate meetings.
e. Taking action to correct unsafe work practices and
f. Reviewing supervisor's oversight and effectiveness
in instructing and coaching operators who are trainees or have
a restricted certification.
g. Reviewing actions taken to ensure the safety of sawyers,
their coworkers, the public and contractors.
22.48b - Exhibit 01
Certification Signature Requirements
A |
B |
C |
(R2 approved form) |
signature for cert/recert:
"C" Sawyer or higher |
as A |
signature for cert/recert:
"C" Certifier or professional
Two signatures:
Regional Saw Coordinator and
another "C" Certifier or professional |
Two signatures:
Any combination of "C" Certifiers
or a professional |
(valid for 3 years) |
Sawyer or higher |
Same as A |
"C" Certifier |
Regional Saw Coordinator |
22.48h - Crosscut Saws
3. Special Requirements for Two-Person Saws.
Two-person crosscut saw use requires that one person be certified
at the appropriate level for the task, for example: a certified
"A" sawyer may work with an uncertified trainee on an "A" level
task as assigned by his immediate supervisor and when all common
safety requirements (job-specific JHA, CPR and First Aid, PPE)
have been met. Or a "B" sawyer and a seasonal employee or
volunteer with the appropriate and documented tailgate safety
session and meeting the requirements above may engage in "B" level
crosscut saw assignments.