Accident Report
Fatalities & Injury
July 17, 1976
- Location
- National
Fire Situation
- Fire
- Weather
- Topography
- Vegetation
and Fuels
- Origin
and Initial Suppression Effort
II. Fire Behavior and Burning Sequence on July 16 and 17, 1976
- General Situation
- Prior Weather
- Fire Behavior Appraisal
- Fire Behavior July 16
- Burning Sequence July 17
- Chaparral Model Nomograph
- Fire Behavior Summary
III. Suppression Effort and Accident Sequence
- Accident Sequence
- Post-Accident Rescue and Medical Action
IV. Investigation
V. Organization and Management
- Fire Overhead and Crew Assignments 7/16-7/17/76
- Overhead Qualification and Experience
- Crew Qualification and Experience
- Logistical Support
- Fire Planning and Intelligence
- Aviation Management Activity
- Mechanical Factors
- Physical Factors
- Human Factors
- Crew
- Overhead
- Management Factors
No Fire
Shelters in British Columbia, July 25, 2005 safety bulletin explaining
their change in policy, .pdf file, 2.2 mb
Fatalities & Injury
July 17, 1976
A. Location
The fire occurred approximately 40 miles northeast of Grand Junction,
Colorado, in the Battlement Creek drainage, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14 and
23, T7S, R95W. It consumed 880 acres in 3 days: July 15, 16 and 17, 1976.
At the time of the accident, 13 crews totalling 270 men and approximately
20 overhead were assigned to the fire. (See Section I-D for initial suppression
effort by the Grand Valley Volunteer Fire Department on July 11.) The
Grand Junction District of the Bureau of Land Management was responsible
for suppression of the fire. Fire suppression support and capability is
newly organized this year around the Grand Junction Fire Center (BLM)
located at Walker Field (the commercial airport) in Grand Junction. This
Center serves all BLM lands in western Colorado with a complement of crews,
helicopters and air tankers. The Fire Center, under Colorado State Office
supervision, has 1 full-time employee, 9 seasonal employees, 2 fire management
specialist assistants (detailed from BIFC), 30 trained firefighters from
the San Luis Valley, Colorado, crews, and one 12-man helitack crew (detailed
from the Forest Service).
B. National Fire Situation
On July 15, there were 198 fires reported on the Daily Fire Situation
Report from BIFC. The majority of the fires were in California, Nevada,
and Utah. The only fire requiring interregional support was the Ishawooa
fire on the Shoshone National Forest, which used air tanker No. 56 and
60 Missoula smokejumpers. Utah BLM had a large fire southwest of Salt
Lake City. During this day, the Grand Junction District worked on three
fires, including the Battlement Creek fire.
On July 16, the number of fires increased to 242, but more importantly
extensive dry lightning occurred in California, Nevada, and Utah. The
Battlement Creek fire and the Wickahoney fire in the Boise District of
the BLM (1,590 acres) required mobilization of considerable resources.
Initial attack forces in most areas of California and Utah were heavily
taxed, but were successful in containing most of the fires.
On July 17, as an aftermath of the lightning storms the prior afternoon,
458 fires were reported, and red flag warnings were forecast in central
California. Of the 458 fires, 384 of them were in California. The Battlement
Creek fire was the only one drawing on BIFC support, although several
large restock orders were processed through the fire warehouse from other
This situation continued through Sunday, July 18, when 425 fires were
reported. Again, 352 of these were in California, with Sequoia and Yosemite
National Parks catching 120 of these fires. There were no major support
actions from BIFC or any other caches outside the fire areas.
In brief summary, the national picture shows a fairly busy initial attack
situation with few large fires materializing, and most of these not drawing
on outside resources to any extent. A large supply of crews, aircraft
of all kinds (except heavy helicopters), overhead, radio equipment, and
fire supplies were available.
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